1. Upcoming and current satellite missions and field campaigns
1.1 Assessment of retrieval capabilities of two polarimeters in the NASA PACE mission using synthetic and real measurements for the joint retrieval of aerosol and ocean color information over coastal waters
Kamal Aryal, University of Maryland Baltimore County (United States)
1.2 Estimation of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) from SPEXone on PACE
Neranga Hannadige, SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (The Netherlands)
1.3 Above Cloud Aerosol Retrieval from Multi-Angular Polarimetric Satellite Measurements using a Neural Network Ensemble Approach
Zihao Yuan, SRON and Leiden University (The Netherlands)
1.4 BRDF correction for PACE’s OCI using multi-angle polarimetry
Xiaodong Zhang, University of Southern Mississippi (United States)
1.5 Comparative Analysis of Aerosol Layer Heights: PACE vs. MPLNET Surface-Based Lidars
Maurice Roots, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (United States)
1.6 PACE-HARP2 Pre-Launch Calibration Uncertainties
Noah Sienkiewicz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (United States)
1.7 LWIR Spectro-Polarimeter Cloud Top Observations and Ice-Water Discriminatory Studies
Jaclyn John, University of Arizona (United States)
1.8 Tip of iceberg: indirect forcing from ship emissions from bottom-up and top-down approaches
Tianle Yuan, UMBC / NASA (United States)
2. Advances in the theory of polarimetric remote sensing
2.1 Development of advanced hyperangular polarimetric cloud retrievals for current and future NASA missions
Daniel Miller, NASA GSFC (United States)
2.2 Polarized discrete ordinate adding approximation (POLDDA) for radiative transfer
Feng Zhang, Fudan University (China)
2.3 Comparison of polarization for sky radiance simulations with two radiative transfer models
Daniel González-Fernández, Group of Atmospheric Optics of the University of Valladolid (Spain)
2.4 Retrieving Liquid Cloud Droplet Size Distribution from the Geometric Parameters of Polarized Cloudbow: Novel Algorithm Development and Demonstrations
Rachel Smith, University of Maryland Baltimore County (United States)
3. Scattering of light by terrestrial aerosols, clouds, oceans, and land surfaces
3.1 Contribution of underlying terrain to sunlight scattered by atmospheric aerosols
Evgenij Zubko, Planetary Atmospheres Group, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) (South Korea)
3.2 Randomly oriented fractal-like clusters as a model of smoke particles: implementation into GRASP algorithm and tests on AERONET measurements
Liudmyla Berdina, Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (France)
3.3 The Emergence of Non-Principal Meridian Neutral Points
Edward Blocker, SSAI/NASA GSFC (United States)
3.4 Effect of aerosol optical scattering and absorbing properties on the Urban heat island intensity during summertime in Rome, Italy
Monica Campanelli, ISAC-CNR (Italy)
3.5 Cloud thermodynamic phase measurements from low-cost pixelated polarization cameras
Erica Venkatesulu, Montana State University (United States)
3.6 Development and evaluation of the angular polarization feature for marine observation
Zihan Zhang, Peking University (China)
3.7 Comparison between two 3D polarized radiative transfer models: MCstar and MYSTIC
Roberto Román, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
4. Polarimetric applications in astrophysics and planetary science
4.1 Modelling the degree of linear polarization (DoLP) of the Moon’s light with a Cimel CE318-TP9
Africa Barreto, Meteorological State Agency of Spain (Spain)
4.2 Imaging Stokes polarimeters for the BOOTES Global Telescope Network
Ivan Syniavskyi, Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine)
4.3 Polarimetric Characteristics of Lunar Simulant JSC-1A Depending on Incidence Angle
Minsup Jeong, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (South Korea)
5. Improvement of polarimetric instrumentation quality and information content
5.1 Application of atmospheric correction algorithm to enhance the accuracy of on-orbit geometric calibration
Guangfeng Xiang, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
5.2 Improvement on the retrieval of aerosol properties when accounting for light polarization in inversion algorithms
Sara Herrero Anta, University of Valladolid (Spain)
5.3 Evaluation of the improvements in the aerosol retrieval adding polarization information in the sky radiances
Celia Herrero del Barrio, University of Valladolid (Spain)
5.4 A new method for direct measurement of polarization characteristics of water-leaving radiation
Jia Liu, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
6. Development of advanced retrieval algorithms and data processing
6.1 MOCMAC: Polarimetric ocean color atmospheric correction with Bayesian inference
James Allen, GSFC/GESTAR II (United States)
6.2 Complementing Quality Assurance in Satellite Data using GRASP’s Dynamic Error Estimates
Milagros Herrera, GRASP-Earth (France)
6.3 Comparing MAIAC and MISR Surface Bidirectional Reflectane Factors: Implications for MAIA Aerosol Retrievals
Taozhong Huang, University of Oklahoma (United States)
6.4 A three-dimensional atmospheric retrieval framework using an ensemble Kalman filter and three-dimensional radiative transfer
Ken Hirata, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder (United States)
6.5 Atmospheric compensation algorithm for high-resolution satellite images with extreme oblique observations
Tangyu Sui, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
6.6 New Remote Sensing Inversion and Numerical Assimilation Technique of the Vertical Structure of PM2.5 Ammonium Concentration
Ting Yang, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
6.7 Information Content Analysis for multiangle satellite ultraviolet polarimetric measurements
Haoran Gu, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
6.8 Potassium Emission Lines as Tool for Remote Sensing of Biomass Burning
William Julstrom, University of Iowa (United States)
6.9 Retrieval of nighttime Aerosol Optical Depth with a PREDE POM radiometer
Gaurav Kumar, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
6.10 Versatile Aerosol and Cloud Obstruction Mask (ACOM) for Diverse Remote
Christian Matar, GRASP-Earth (France)
6.11 Advancing Ocean and Atmospheric Research through Polarimetric Remote Sensing Innovations
Tianfeng Pan, Zhejiang University (China)
6.12 An optimal inverse method with regularization for retrieving dust aerosol microphysical properties from extinction, backscattering and depolarization lidar measurements
Yuyang Chang, Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (France)
7. In situ and ground-based validation observations
7.1 Harmonization of aerosol inversion products from AERONET and SKYNET sun-sky radiometer observations with GRASP algorithm
Masahiro Momoi, GRASP-Earth (France)
7.2 Exploring the use of ground-based remote sensing to identify new particle formation events: A case study in the Beijing area
Ying Zhang, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
8. Calibration and validation
8.1 Pre-Launch and On-Orbit Testing of SMAC on-board GFDM satellite
Mengfan Li, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
8.2 Onboard polarization calibration and polarimetric accuracy verification method for the particulate observing scanning polarimeter (POSP)
Xuefeng Lei, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
9. Models, In situ and Remote sensing of Aerosols (MIRA) Collaborations
9.1 High-Resolution Retrieval of Local Road Emissions from Coarse Satellite Images Using CFD Modeling
Konstantin Kuznetsov, GRASP-Earth (France)
9.2 Black Carbon on a High-Resolution Map with Coupled Chemistry-Transport Models: Improving Regional Emissions with Adjoint GEOS-Chem and WRF-CHEM Calculations
Abhinna Behera, GRASP-Earth (France)