Invited Speakers

Discover our invited speakers

Vassilis Amiridis

National Observatory of Athens (Greece)


Monica Campanelli

ISAC-CNR (Italy)


Juan Cuesta

Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques, IPSL (France)


Dave Diner

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (USA)


Reed Espinosa

Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (USA)


Bertrand Fougnie

EUMETSAT (Germany)


Otto Hasekamp

SRON (The Netherlands)


Brent Holben

Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (USA)


Kirk Knobelspiesse

Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (USA)


Jochen Landgraf

SRON (The Netherlands)


Ruediger Lang

EUMETSAT (Germany)


Elena Lind

Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (USA)


Pavel Litvinov


Hal Marring

NASA Headquarters (USA)


Vanderlei Martins

University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA)


Yasjka Meijer

European Space Agency (The Netherlands)


Teruyuki Nakajima

The University of Tokyo (Japan)


Makiko Nakata

Faculty of Applied Sociology, Kindai University (Japan)


Hajime Okamoto

Kyushu University, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (Japan)


Jeffrey Reid

Naval Research Laboratory (USA)


Miho Sekiguchi

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (Japan)


Chong Shi

Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)


Aliaksandr Sinyuk

Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (USA)


Kazuhiro Tanaka

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/GCOM-C Team (Japan)


Xiaobing Sun

Optical Remote Sensing Research Center, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (China)


Zhao Yming

Beijing Research Institute of Telemetry, China Aerospace Science and Technology (China)


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