Bertrand Fougnie completed his Ph.D. in atmospheric physics in the Université de Lille (LOA, France) in 1998. He joined the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France) in 1998 where he worked on image quality activities for many Earth-Observing systems. He was especially involved in the design, development and exploitation of the family of polarimeters POLDER 1&2, PARASOL, and 3MI, and for a wide range of topics including instrumental performance/calibration, ocean colour and atmospheric retrievals. He contributed to many international working groups such as CEOS, GSICS, or IOCCG. He entered the EUropean METeorological SATellite organisation (EUMETSAT, Germany) in 2017 where he worked on the 3MI mission and contributed to the development of Level-1 and Level-2 products. He is now leading the Cloud and Aerosol team more generally in charge of the development of operational products for the whole suite of EUMETSAT instruments which includes geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. His scientific interests include calibration topics, radiative transfer simulations, multiangular polarimetry, the retrieval for aerosol, clouds, and ocean colour applications, their operational implementation, and the synergistic possibilities offered by different types of instruments.