Kyushu University, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (Japan)
“I focus on remote sensing of clouds and aerosols, atmospheric radiation and water cycle in the climate system. We develop algorithms for global analyses of clouds and aerosols. Observational tools include cloud profiling radar and lidar onboard satellite for better understanding of global energy and water cycle. We also play an active role in international satellite missions and also planning new satellite missions.
This group conducts the following researches;
(1) Analyses of cloud macroscale and microphysical properties from satellite remote sensing.
(2) Analyses of radiative properties of aerosols from lidar.
(3) Evaluation of numerical models.
(4) Light scattering by non-spherical particles
(5) Multiple scattering process of cloud particles for liar and radar remote sensing
(6) Development of algorithms for JAXA-ESA mission EarthCARE.
(7) Defining future satellite missions.”